Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dylan Part Deux * (29th of Jan 2007)

Now all or the very few that read this will start wondering what type of parent I am.
Yesterday my fearless child took a dive from his supervised highchair and knocked the right side of his head on the corner of the table. I caught him in midair and instinctively checked the old wound (ok, that's fine. Why's he screaming?).
"Great (internal*bleep*), he has a gash right below his right eyebrow and just outside his eye"
Luckily I was at my mother-in-law's and it wasn't his actual eye!


Apply Pressure,

It just wasn't my month this year.
The wound wasn't coming together this time and I was frazzled that this was definitely going to be a drive to get to Syracuse considering the country roads my inlaws live near are well coated in snow and a poor helping of a salt deficient sand mix.
I managed to control the bleeding, again, and my mother-in-law had a well stocked first aid kit including those illusive butterfly strips.
Dylan was fine except for the gash and I was deeply moved when he took the tissue from me and blotted his face as we made our way to the hospital.
The wound finally sealed itself in time for the doctor to mess with it and cause it to ooze again. (I really hate that part)
I'm grateful that he did not require stitches but it was nerve racking to hold him down as the doctor applied the Dermabond.
The day ended with 3 out of the four in our family extremely exhausted-Sebastian had a blast: he attended a birthday party, had cake, went out with his grandparents for dinner and even had time to make a get well card for his brother.
All in all, I'm relieved Dylan is well and lively today.

Anyone travelling to Canada interested in bringing me back some cheap Dermabond?

*Previously posted on myspace